NadjaDuni's Blog

This site is the weirdest

New Update — September 20, 2015

New Update

Hello everyone!

I have had an interesting couple of months. I went to visit my dad in Orlando, before he left to Puerto Rico. While I visited my dad and was feeling like crap because of gallstones, we went to Universal and Island of Adventures. Had a great time there, even though the last day I was again feeling like crap. Loved visiting Harry Potter Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. I felt like a little kid with all of the Harry Potter magic around me.

This month we went to see the USA v Peru game in DC. We were there for a couple of days….the drive was crazy with three ppl driving, but it was an amazing time. We visited the the monuments and the day we were leaving, we went to visit an amazing friend who is going to be riding from Boston to New York in Cycle for the Cause. He was at work, but even still he is awesome!image




I’m back to looking for work and it is not fun! Not playing WoW as much again, not doing my crocheting like I’m supposed to, and I have a husband driving me crazy again. How do I stay sane?

Well that’s all for now, but you know what’s going on through Twitter! And I’m ashamed because it has been a week and I’m posting it now. To add to this post, I am very proud of @GhemitHunts and his commitment to cycle for the fight against AIDS.